Submit an Abstract
We invite you to submit abstracts for a poster presentation at CTTACC 2025. The topic areas should be focused on Cellular Therapies and Transfusion Medicine in Trauma and Critical Care Medicine an adjunct in resuscitation and novel blood products represent critical areas in transfusion medicine that have the potential to dramatically improve outcomes in trauma patients. Abstracts should be a single page, with any graphs/images within the body of the document. Abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committee and the top three will be selected for travel awards of $1000 and free registration to the CTTACC.
Character Count Restrictions – The text portion of your abstract (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion) must be no more than 2500 characters or approximately 250 words in total. This will keep the text of your abstract limited to one page.
Figures and graphs – You may include up to two image files in your abstract with a caption for each. Image files do not count toward character count restrictions. Files must be readable without zooming in or other manipulation or they will not be considered. Acceptable file types include: JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF
Poster Boards – The size of the poster boards at CTTACC will be horizontal/landscape 24″ x 36″.
This form does not save or send your work until you hit the “submit” button. Please write your abstract as a word document before copying and pasting it into this form.
Please contact Elena Nedelcu, MD ([email protected]) if you have any questions regarding the abstracts and posters.
Deadline to Submit: March 14, 2025 | Notification of Acceptance: 1 Week After Receipt
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